Saturday, January 7, 2012

Beautiful Wonderful Faith

Recently I read an article by Ben Bergeron in the CrossFit Journal about training mentality. What he said rang so true for me that I decided it was something I needed to share with all of you. So this is a recap in case you don't get the Journal, in case you missed it, or in case you didn't think it was a worthwhile read.

When it comes to training, Ben says to "think like a bumblebee. Train like a racehorse."

It's brilliant. When I do this I have my best training days. Bad training days usually result from a lack in either or both of these instructions. The idea behind this is that despite numerous studies and calculations, scientists have postulated that the Bumblebee is physically and aerodynamically incapable of flight. However, no one speaks "bee" and so the Bumblebee is blissfully unaware of his apparent limitation. He simply knows he can fly, so he just goes on flying!

Oh if only we all had such confident in ourselves right? How often have you caught yourself thinking you weren't able to do a particular task, even though you had already done it at least once before? "Yes, but THIS time I won't be able to." Haven't you heard? Nothing happens just once?

As for the Racehorse, she has faith in herself of course, but has complete unwaivering faith in her coach. When the trainer sets a task, small or big, long or short, the Racehorse gives 100% of that which is asked. The Racehorse doesn't finish a workout and wonder if it was good enough;, a good enough workout, long enough, intense enough, complete enough. The Racehorse also doesn't expend energy stressing about what or how anyone else is doing. The Racehorse doesn't stand in her stall wondering what kind of grain and which supplements others are taking. She gives herself over to the coach. Gives 100% of what is asked, no more and no less.

I've always heard tales of people going for a 3mile run only twenty minutes after their workout, adding extra workouts to their workouts and more. Whenever I hear that, I know that these folks are failing in either the Bumblebee or the Racehorse rule. If they weren't, they would have left everything they had on the floor of the gym after their workout and they would have faith enough in their coach to know that day was planned and placed there for a particular reason.

The next time you start to feel too round to do Toe-to-Bars, too slow to run the 400m laps or too tall to do burpees remember to fly like the Bumblebee (without regard to what others think you can or can' do). The next time you start wanting to add to your regimen, or concerning yourself with what/when others are eating, or thinking the workout is beyond you remember to sting like the Racehorse (giving 100% of yourself to the task which your coach has set for you).

Now if only I can remember to yell "BUMBLEBEE" at myself mid-WOD I'll be fine!
Happy WOD-ing!